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Driving Abroad Post-Brexit: Green Cards

In the interests of making sure you’re ready for the potential impact of a no-deal Brexit, we’ve put together a short update about travelling to other European countries by road.

If you intend to travel to European countries, including the Republic of Ireland, with your vehicle after 31st December 2020 (or intend to travel before that date but return afterwards), you may need a 'green card' in the event of a no-deal Brexit. 

What is a Green Card? 

A green card proves that your insurance provides the minimum level of cover for the country you’re driving in.

They are issued by your insurer, usually free of charge (although an administration fee may apply) and demonstrate that you have adequate motor insurance for the country you’re in. You may not be able to pass certain borders without one.

The current requirements for green cards are as follows:

    • Green cards must be accompanied by a valid Certificate of Insurance
    • Green cards must be presented in a hard copy (printed)
    • Green cards can be either green or white paper with black ink
    • Green cards must be valid for the period of travel

It’s important to note that in some EU member states, a separate green card is needed for each trailer or caravan. Check Government guidance for details.

We will stay close to this matter and provide updates as necessary.


If you need more information about green cards – or how Brexit may affect your insurance – please get in touch with the One Broker team.

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